All of our training and consultancy services are tailored
specifically to your needs, but our most common training services
are as follows:
Half day courses for any members of staff who will carry out drugs
and alcohol testing for the company.
One or two day workshops for managers to consider all
of the key issues relating to the development of their drugs and
alcohol policy. Our structured guidance and training result in
a highly functional policy by the end of the workshop.
For those companies who
already have a draft document or a policy in place, we can review
their document against a number of key criteria to ensure that their
policy is both efficient and legally defensible. With drug
policies being our key area of expertise, we can always find
improvements which make the policy easier to operate or more legally
For companies
wishing to implement a sound drugs and alcohol policy, our consultants
can carry out the majority of the hard work for you, leaving you
free to continue the day-to-day management of your organisation.
Simply answer a series of questions that our consultant will put to
you and await a finalised product. It is standard practice to
have your key managers, union / staff representatives review the
document before implementation, but the service is based upon a
single fee, so any potential alterations can be made without cost.
For information on training that supports our range of drug test kits,
please visit our drug testing kit section.
Drug and alcohol awareness training for companies:
Substance misuse has been proven to increase accidents, ill health,
absenteeism and to reduce productivity which costs companies like
yours thousands of pounds every year. To help employers combat
this, Drug-Aware is pleased to offer an easy, cost effective means
of raising drug awareness.
In order to combat drug and alcohol misuse in the workplace,
it is necessary to raise awareness amongst managers, supervisors
and staff, arming yourselves with the knowledge necessary to tackle
this problem and create a safer, happier, substance-free working
Until recently, our drug and alcohol awareness training has only been
available to NHS trusts, private hospitals, probation services,
community drug and alcohol treatment centres and related healthcare
professionals. We can now offer you the opportunity of gathering
this valuable information in the form of straight-forward and
comprehensive training seminars, conducted on your premises and
tailored to suit your individual company needs.
We supply everything you could possibly need to successfully
raise drug awareness within your organisation, along with easy
to use on-site drug and alcohol tests (with free technical support),
UKAS accredited laboratory services, and training/consultancy
in policy development and implementation - all at competitive
prices which are kind to your budget.
We provide bespoke training sessions, but to give you an idea
of cost, Drug-Aware half day awareness training seminars start at
a fee of just £297
plus VAT, covering the following topics and much more:-

How substance abuse affects a company.

Which substances are abused / misused and important
information about them.

Interesting and informative facts about recognising the
effects, signs and symptoms of drug misuse.

How to recognise the paraphernalia associated with drug

How to develop a successful drugs and alcohol policy.

How to implement a written drugs and alcohol policy, as
recommended by the Health and Safety Executive.

Drug screening in the workplace and the surrounding issues.

Methods of a low cost start-up so that every company can
afford to have a policy in place.
Contact us today
or email us using the form below
for further information, pricing, or to book an on-site
Drug-Aware drug and alcohol awareness training session for
your staff.
Could your company have a substance misuse problem?
Even though many companies believe they are free of substance
misuse in the workplace, studies show that over 55% of UK
companies already have a drugs and alcohol policy in place.
The Health and Safety Executive recommend implementing
an agreed written policy regarding substance misuse, and
to have systems in place to tackle this problem if or when
it arises. Such measures have been proven to save companies
thousands of pounds every year by reducing accidents, ill
health, absenteeism and by raising employee morale and improving
Substance misuse is rarely immediately evident, and yet it permeates
every workforce. Perhaps surprisingly, 1 in 25 people, the majority
of whom are employed, have a problem with alcohol dependency.
40% of the workforce under 40 years of age (and 45% of those aged
between 16 and 29) have experimented with illicit drugs. And 25%
of those seeking help for drug problems are in employment (statistics
published by Alcohol Concern).
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development reports
that 10% of the typical workforce has a drug or alcohol problem.
On this basis, a company without a system in place clearly has
an unrecognised problem which will be costing it money and putting
its employees at risk.
You may not be aware that Employers (and Managers alike) have
certain obligations regarding substance misuse under the following
UK legislation:

The Health & Safety at Work Act

Management of Health & Safety
at Work Regulations 1999

Transport and Works Act 1992

Road Traffic Act 1988

Misuse of Drugs Act 1971

Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Disability Discrimination Regulations

Human Rights Act 1998
If your staff are not familiar with their responsibilities under
the above legislation, there is a real possibility of prosecution
or litigation against them, the company or even YOU!
So what can I do?
If you do not wish to implement a policy at this time, invest
in Drug and Alcohol awareness training specially tailored to the
needs of your staff - contact us to discuss
your requirements. This is the first easy step towards a drug-free
workplace and may be all you require.
The second step is the development of a straight-forward drugs
and alcohol policy which is designed to protect yourself, the
company and your staff from litigation, along with measures to
change the workplace culture to reduce accidents, insurance claims,
absenteeism and ill health. We can help you to achieve this with
minimal disruption.
Contrary to popular belief

A drugs and alcohol policy can be implemented with very
few obstacles.

Having a drugs and alcohol policy does not mean that you
are obliged to drug test your staff.

The cost of implementing and running a drugs and alcohol
policy is very low. In the majority of cases, costs are
more than covered by the savings you make by having a cleaner

A drugs and alcohol policy is not a weapon to dismiss troublesome
staff. It is designed to assist and support those with a
genuine problem, so that they can be helped to return to
full health and former performance levels, both in and out
of work, and to prevent the unnecessary costs of recruiting
and training replacement staff.

Both staff and unions generally welcome policies whose
primary objective is to uphold the welfare of employees.
Having seen the benefits of a drug-free workplace, you
may wish to consider


Drug awareness training for your management and/or staff.
This can also include training on how to conduct on-site
drug testing using rapid drug / alcohol test kits - or
procedures for sending samples off for laboratory screening.

Conducting a drugs and alcohol related risk assessment.

Developing and implementing a drugs and alcohol policy.


Pre-employment screening for potential employees.
(Which holds no legal implications for an employer).
Our initial consultations are free, with no obligation whatsoever.
There is no hard-sell at Drug-Aware, just friendly experts to
help answer your questions and discuss all of your requirements,
without pressure.
If you wish to receive more information on any aspect of achieving
a substance free workplace, please complete the response form
Information Request Form
Get an information pack today!
Prefer to watch a video?
Watch our Random Drug Testing Video
Watch our Drug Testing Video
Drug information
One of Drug-Aware's key supporting services is the provision
of detailed technical information for both medical professionals
and employers. We operate a technical helpline to answer
any questions that may not be covered by these web pages,
and actively encourage customers to contact us if they are
unsure of anything. Drug testing and drug awareness is a
very specialised field and one which is continuously evolving,
so please feel free to browse our
information section to help answer your questions, or
failing that, please contact us
for further information.