Articles Relating to Drugs and Alcohol
Below we have a growing collection of articles
relating to drugs and alcohol. These clips cover the latest
drugs and alcohol news, statistics, information and
general commentary.
Alternatively, visit our
and drug news page or
drug and alcohol
videos page.
Alcohol Articles
This alcohol information
page contains alcohol statistics, facts, effects (both short and
long term), signs and symptoms of use, info on drink driving
(otherwise known as DUI or DWI), how long alcohol is detectable, and
a whole host other useful information.
Alcohol Abuse Facts and Statistics
An alcohol fact sheet published by the Institute
of Alcohol Studies (IAS) reports that in developed countries,
alcohol is the third leading cause of disease and injury, alcohol
causing nearly 10 percent of all ill health and premature deaths in
Europe. This is ahead of obesity, diabetes and asthma and second
only to smoking and blood pressure conditions. This article
covers numerous other statistics.
Drink Driving Limits for DUI / DWI
An article which covers the legal drink drive
limits for a number of countries including the UK, USA and numerous
European countries. There is also information on how many
units are required to reach these drink-drive limits. Drink
driving is referred to as DUI or DWI in the USA.
Alcohol Breathalyzer
Product information on our range of breath
alcohol testing kits - both disposable and electronic breathalyzer
units. This page also has detailed alcohol information on safe
drinking levels, the long term risks of alcohol use and various
other statistics relating to drink driving.
Drug Articles
Cross Reacting Opiates
Information on which over-the-counter and
prescription Opiates will test positive on our Morphine / Opiates
drug test kits. We have placed an extensive list for our
visitors to check against any medication that has been used in the
last week.
Scottish Drug Abuse Statistics
Drug abuse
statistics from Scotland have recently been released in the form of
two large surveys: the Scottish Crime and Victimisation Survey (SCVS)
2006 and the Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use
Survey (SALSUS) 2006. These provide a detailed insight into the
prevalence of drug abuse in Scotland in all age groups. Of course,
these statistics are very similar to the rest of the UK and give us
valuable statistical information on the current level of drug abuse.
Tackling Drug Addiction - for Parents and Families
Families and friends of drug abusers / drug addicts are often faced
with a situation they feel totally unequipped to deal with,
beginning with a basic lack of information and drug and alcohol
awareness. As a result drug addiction is often misunderstood.
This article discusses these issues and offers routes for parents
and families of drug abusers to seek the help they need.
Drug Overdose - Opiate Withdrawal and Addiction
As opiate based drug overdose contributes largely
to the number of deaths resulting directly from illegal drug use, it
is important to be able to recognise the symptoms of overdose which
can differ tremendously depending upon which type of drug has been
taken. This article covers many areas, including opiate
withdrawal, addiction and more.
Cannabis Information - Class, Signs,
Symptoms and Effects
A useful article covering the reclassification of Cannabis in the
UK. Other information includes the signs, symptoms, dangers
and effects of Cannabis, along with its impact on schools, etc.
Record Opium
Harvest in Afghanistan
Afghanistan has just had the largest opium harvest in it’s history -
which will have a significant ongoing impact on the volume of
Heroin that will be hitting the streets across the globe.
Cocaine and the Destruction of the Rainforests
The negative impact of
drugs including social problems, health problems and financial
problems are well-publicised and often felt more keenly because they
are close to home. But fewer people, especially those whose
lifestyles embrace using
drugs, are inclined to view the bigger picture, part of which is
the devastating effect of coca, opium and marijuana production on
one of the world’s most precious resources - the Amazon rainforest.
Cocaine information - Facts, Signs and Symptoms
Detailed information on cocaine - signs, symptoms, forms, effects,
statistics, the law, slang terms, information on addiction and much
Drug Misuse - the Hazard of Dirty
Understanding the risks associated with dirty needles and equally
the myths. How to handle dangerous materials and how to
dispose of them when found.
LSD - Drug Information, Facts and
Drug information on LSD, the signs, symptoms of use and effects.
What are the dangers? is it addictive? and more.
Drug Education - Volatile Substance
Abuse (VSA)
Glue sniffing, solvent abuse, huffing, whatever you choose to call
it, is a dangerous activity that young people will sometimes indulge
in. But what are the dangers, what are the signs of abuse and
what can be done to prevent it?
Drug Testing Articles
Drug Screening Explained
Information on how drug screening is measured
against cut-off levels. This includes issues such as whether
someone will test positive from passive smoking a drug - for example
breathing in someone else's Cannabis / Marijuana smoke. We
also cover common drug retention times to answer questions relating
to how long someone will test positive for drugs.
Testing - The Facts!
A drug testing article which covers numerous
aspects of drug testing. On-site tests, laboratory screening
and information on urine, saliva / oral fluid and hair testing.
Test Results
This article contains detailed instructions on
how to carry out a drug test and how to read drug test results.
It was designed as a guide for lay persons who aren't familiar with
the use of drug tests.
Home Drug
Home drug tests can represent a lifeline for concerned parents who
worry that their child / teenager may be using illegal drugs.
Parents are often reluctant to initially seek help, perhaps because
they fear to accept the possibility that their children could use
drugs. Fortunately, the internet now enables parents to find
information and advice about drug use anonymously and this level of
anonymity can be maintained by using home
drug testing kits to determine whether their child requires
professional help.
Saliva Drug Test - Oral Fluid Drug Testing
Learn all about saliva drug testing - how long
can drugs be detected in oral fluid? How do you conduct a
test? How to read the results? and more...
Drug Test
This page covers what makes a hair drug test
different from a urine drug test or a saliva test. Timescales,
windows of detection, cost and much more.
Workplace Articles for Employers
Workplace Drug Testing
General information on drug testing in the
workplace for employers. This article covers statistics which
show why workplace drug testing is necessary, the development of a
sound and legally defensible workplace drug testing policy and how
to get started in your workplace.
Random Drug Testing
A useful random drug testing article on the steps
involved in implementing a random screening policy. This also
includes information about the level of testing required and how
employers can go about getting started.
Home Drug Testing Articles
Home Drug Test FAQ
Useful information giving answers to the most
common questions relating to home drug testing. Types of
testing, how long drugs are detectable, how to buy tests online, and
See also
Home Drug
Drug Testing in Schools / Young People Articles
Testing in Schools
An overview of
random drugs testing in schools: A survey recently published by the
News of the World on Sunday showed that 82% of parents and 66% of
children support school drug testing. Another Government
survey of over 20,000 UK school children showed that 9% of 13 year
olds and over a quarter (27%) of 15 year olds had used an illegal
drug at some stage in their lives.
Drug Abuse Statistics in Young People
This article covers some startling statistics
recently provided by Auto Trader on 8000 young motorists.
There are also statistics relating to alcohol related admissions to
accident and emergency departments across the UK and road deaths
among young people.
See also
Tackling Drug Addiction - for Parents and Families
Home Drug